How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Travel Blog

Certainly, many online businesses demonstrated some staying power, riding-out the dot-com bust and they still exist today, but the majority of these “derivative” Internet businesses had a completely misguided focus on the true value of the World Wide Web.

The true value of the Internet resides in marketing or advertising and that is ultimately where the need to buy catchy domain names comes into play. It goes way beyond running a radio or television ad, or even a billboard ad and having a catchy domain name people will easily remember when they get home to check it out or quickly look it up with their Smartphones, no. This marketing value is connected to the most fundamental way through which the Internet is used, that being people going online and running a search for whatever they need.

Buy Catchy Domain Names with Internet Searches in Mind

When users (prospective clients or customers) search for a product or service, they don’t try to remember what companies or brand names offer those products or services. What they rather do is type in a search phrase which is normally comprised out of an adjective and a noun, followed by a geographic location. An example of this would be someone looking for a pair of trainers. This user would probably run a search phrase reading something like “comfortable trainers, New York” or perhaps “cheap trainers Chicago”, depending on where they are, how much they have to spend and exactly what they’re looking for.

Now, for all the changes in the indexing algorithms used by search-engines like Google, the most accurate and relevant content-matching cue is based on the search phrase a user types into their search engine of choice. In the case of our user who is on the lookout for comfortable trainers in New York, nine out of ten times, if he or she types the phrase “comfortable trainers New York” into the search engine, the first set of results to come up will be those whose domain name matches that search phrase the closest. For example, if you buy a domain named, guess whose website will come up first in the search results, probably yours. If you would like to learn more about how Google works when it comes to ranking websites, you may find this article over on the Victorious site to be useful in helping you decide how to go about both your domain and the content you intend to put on your website.

While buying catchy domain names may be perceived as buying domains with a certain ring or buzz to their wording, in the true sense of the practice, buying catchy domain names actually means buying domains that are “catchy” by way of how search engines index them.

So when choosing your domain name for your blog, you have to consider the future in mind. Sure, at the present time you might have only a limited view of the content you’ll be publishing, but keep in mind that there are plenty of related topics which should be left room for as your travel blog evolves. While something like a 20 free no deposit casino link list definitely makes for a topic that ties right in with travelling (travellers often entertain themselves with online casinos), you wouldn’t want to name your entire blog’s domain specifically after something to do with gambling, even if that’s your main travel theme.